Nivedita Uday Hegdekar

Nivedita Uday Hegdekar is a recent Ph.D. graduate in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Maryland, Baltimore.
Articles by Nivedita Uday Hegdekar

Journal News
Exploring glycosylation patterns in oral cancer
Dec. 12, 2023
Mass spectrometry–based glycomics and glycoproteomics help identify and characterize proteins in tumor tissues, offering insights into patient prognosis.

Journal News
From the journals: MCP
Nov. 17, 2023
A new enzyme is unlocked in bacterial photosynthesis. A molecular target for alcohol consumption is uncovered. A special issue offers new perspectives in ECM research. Read about these recent papers.

Journal News
From the journals: MCP
Jan. 13, 2023
Why are two cancer drugs better than one? The glycome’s role in a malignancy. Where immunopeptidomics is going. Read about articles on these topics recently published in the journal Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.

Journal News
From the journals: MCP
Dec. 2, 2022
Muscling in on a signaling pathway. Probing weaknesses in the T cell surface. Improving single-cell proteomics two ways. Read about papers on these topics recently published in the journal Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.

Journal News
From the journals: JLR
Nov. 25, 2022
A new way to measure lipoprotein(a). A new source of metabolized cholesterol. A new way to count ceramides. Read about articles on these topics recently published in the Journal of Lipid Research.

Journal News
From the journals: JLR
Sept. 30, 2022
A new site-specific cholesterol control option and a better way to assess vitamin D status in critical care. Read about papers on these topics recently published in the Journal of Lipid Research.

Journal News
Proteases implicated in ulcerative colitis
July 7, 2022
“What proteins are these gut bacteria making in disease conditions, and how are these interacting with the human body?” Dennis Wolan asks.

Journal News
Identifying a new lipid metabolism gene
April 19, 2022
Transgelin is an actin-binding protein that promotes motility in cells. What role does it play in lipid metabolism?

Annual Meeting
A research journey spanning three countries
March 18, 2022
Rahul Kumar is a JBC Herbert Tabor Early Career Investigator Award winner. His research will be presented at the ASBMB annual meeting in April.

Journal News
The ‘phospho-dawn’ of circadian clock proteomics
March 9, 2022
Recent research shows how circadian phosphorylation of a protein can be linked to its function.

Journal News
From the journals: JLR
Feb. 25, 2022
A triglyceride link to metabolic health. The ABCs of a flippase. How bile acid alters fat absorption. Read about these papers in the Journal of Lipid Research.

Annual Meeting
Using lipoproteins to study heart disease
Feb. 15, 2022
Scott Gordon, a Journal of Lipid Research junior associate editor, focuses on atherosclerosis at the University of Kentucky.

Taylor’s career began as a med school detour
Dec. 23, 2021
Susan Taylor has won the ASBMB’s Herbert Taylor Research Award for excellence in research and contributions to the scientific community.

Journal News
Salivary proteins may hold key to targeting tick-borne diseases
Dec. 14, 2021
“Millions of years of evolution have already developed, probably, the most ideal compound to target atherosclerosis. This shows how nature could help researchers unravel molecular mechanisms.”

Journal News
New tools to study protein–protein interactions in zebra fish
Nov. 4, 2021
In this technique, an enzyme is fused to a protein of interest and exogenously introduced into cells.

Journal News
From the journals: MCP
Aug. 17, 2021
A triphosphorylated species may be linked to DNA repair. A site-specific proteomics approach holds promise for Alzheimer’s diagnosis. A new platform improves quantification of histone modifications.

Journal News
Researchers target cell membrane for cancer research
June 1, 2021
“The central idea is that if you alter the composition of the cell membrane, you can potentially alter the functionality of the proteins within the membrane and thus the disease overall.”

DNA and COVID-19: What’s the connection?
April 23, 2021
Studies have linked virus susceptibility and severity to genes inherited from Neanderthals and to blood type — but not all researchers agree on the results.

Genetic research in the midst of a pandemic
April 20, 2021
A study in the United Kingdom has identified four novel genetic variants associated with critical illness in patients with COVID-19.

ASBMB Annual Meeting
Burke expands frontiers and maintains balance in RNA research
March 9, 2021
As a JBC Herbert Tabor Early Career Investigator Award recipient, James Burke will present his work at the 2021 ASBMB Annual Meeting.

From grief to healing in the year of COVID-19
Jan. 13, 2021
“My grandmother meant the world to me. Nothing could have prepared me for her death or the anger I directed at myself for being unable to help her during her final months.”

Journal News
From the journals: MCP
Dec. 29, 2020
Protein profiles offer new insights into Duchenne muscular dystrophy. A novel fungal protease improves proteomic coverage. Expression of HLA-II shows promise for immunotherapy.

Member News
Nobelists’ former postdocs discover missing link in telomerase evolution
Oct. 13, 2020
The cell-aging enzyme’s RNA is an intermediate between that of humans and lower eukaryotes, containing signature marks from both kingdoms.

Journal News
Gut microbiome shaped by dietary sphingolipids
Sept. 22, 2020
A new tracing method described in the Journal of Lipid Research offers clues on how a macronutrient interacts with the microbes that live inside us.

Corbett goes the extra mile to support young scientists
May 26, 2020
The ASBMB honors an Emory University professor and trailblazer who is passionate about increasing diversity and inclusion in science.

Annual Meeting
Garcia uses mass spectrometry to unravel the human epigenome
March 5, 2020
Benjamin Garcia’s research group at the University of Pennsylvania has developed novel methodologies to analyze histones for application in post-translational modifications and systems epigenetics.

Lavrsen finds endless possibilities in PTMs
Feb. 3, 2020
JBC/Tabor Award winner Kirstine Lavrsen identified an important role for a posttranslational modification enzyme in conversion of normal colon tissue into cancerous tissue.