
From lab to land: Crop modifications are fortifying our food supply against climate change
Scientists explore genetic and biochemical innovations fueling future-proofing agriculture

There are worse things in the water than E. coli
E. coli levels determined whether Olympic swimmers could dive into the Seine this past summer. But are these bacteria the best proxy for water contamination?

At the Salton Sea, uncovering the culprit of lung disease
Scientists have long suspected a link between the dust and poor respiratory health. According to recent findings, the prime suspect is a naturally occurring toxin.

Environmental DNA is everywhere
The ability to extract trace bits of DNA from soil, water, and even air is revolutionizing science. Are there pitfalls?

No oxygen? No problem
By studying how electric fish survive in hypoxic streams for months at time, researchers may find new ways to target tumors.

Molecular sensor enables water bear hardiness by triggering dormancy
Cysteine oxidation may contributes to tardigrades’ remarkable hardiness and help them survive in ever-changing environments.

Cities under the sea
Nanotechnology offers a way to restore and re-create coral reef biodiversity.

Seeding a coral comeback
Modified stem cell transplants may be coming to a coral reef near you.

Biochemists bite back
Undergraduates in Houston catalog Texas mosquitos that carry known and novel viruses.