Society news

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ASBMB names 2025 fellows
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology honors 24 members for their service to the society and accomplishments in research, education, mentorship, diversity and inclusion and advocacy.

ASBMB releases statement on sustaining U.S. scientific leadership
The society encourages the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. government to continue their support of the nation’s leadership in science.

ASBMB Council: Fall roundup
Council met in December to discuss topics including financial planning, operations and infrastructure and programmatic initiatives.

Charting ASBMB’s vibrant and sustainable future
President Joan Conaway and Treasurer Russell DeBose–Boyd establish a plan to sustain ASBMB’s financial future.

ASBMB Council approves bylaws updates
Changes bring society into greater alignment with current and best practice.

A decade of teaching the Art of Science Communication
Why now, more than ever, scientists must be able to explain what they do to non-scientists.
Commitment, content and community

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Member feedback contributes to building a strong ASBMB future
An ASBMB survey drew nearly 1,500 responses from members, nonmembers and expired members who want to engage with more science, maintain strong community.

What seems dead may not be dead
Vincent Tagliabracci will receive the Earl and Thressa Stadtman Distinguished Scientist Award at the ASBMB Annual Meeting, April 12–15 in Chicago.

Elucidating how chemotherapy induces neurotoxicity
Andre Nussenzweig will receive the Bert and Natalie Vallee Award at the 2025 ASBMB Annual Meeting, April 12–15 in Chicago.

ASBMB committees welcome new members
Committee members serve terms of two to five years, and a number of new members have joined. We also thank those whose terms have ended.

Curiosity turned a dietitian into a lipid scientist
Judy Storch will receive the Avanti Award in Lipids at the 2025 ASBMB Annual Meeting, April 12–15 in Chicago.

From receptor research to cancer drug development: The impact of RTKs
Joseph Schlessinger will receive the ASBMB Herbert Tabor Research Award at the 2025 ASBMB Annual meeting, April 12–15 in Chicago.
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