Society News

2024 ASBMB election results

Learn about the new Council members, committee members and treasurer
ASBMB Today Staff
June 20, 2024

Members of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology have elected several new leaders, including the society's treasurer. One new member of the ASBMB Council was appointed by the president, with the Council's approval, and two new members were elected. The Nominating Committee and Publications Committee each gained a new member.

Check out our 2024 voter guide to see all the candidates who ran for office.


The ASBMB Finance Committee assists the Council in fulfilling its financial oversight responsibilities by monitoring the society's financial resources, including budgeting and financial planning, financial reporting, internal controls and accounting policies, and investment fund strategies. The treasurer leads the committee over a three-year term and can be reelected or reappointed to serve an additional term.

Russell DeBose-Boyd
Russell DeBose–Boyd

Russell DeBose–Boyd is a professor of molecular genetics at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. His research is focused on cholesterol synthesis and metabolism. He is an associate editor for the Journal of Lipid Research and an editorial board member for the Journal of Biological Chemistry. DeBose–Boyd has served on the Finance Committee since 2018 and the Nominating Committee since 2023 and has been the society's interim treasurer for the past year. He is a mentor for the ASBMB Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers, or MOSAIC, K99/00 program. 

Philip Cole
Philip Cole
Charles Craik
Martha Cyert
Philip Cole
Edward Eisenstein


The ASBMB Council advises the president and CEO on setting priorities and strategic directions, overseeing resource allocations and ensuring all activities align with the society’s mission. Philip Cole and Martha Cyert were elected and Edward Eisenstein was appointed, all for three-year terms. They can be reelected or reappointed to serve one additional term.

Philip Cole is a professor at Harvard Medical School and interim chief of the Division of Genetics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Cole and his lab study the chemical biology of protein post-translational modifications. He has been an associate editor for the Journal of Biological Chemistry since 2022 and served as an editorial board member before that, starting in 2016.

Martha Cyert is a professor and department chair at Stanford University. Cyert uses systems biology techniques to study the calcium–dependent phosphatase calcineurin, which her lab identified as the target of immunosuppressant drugs such as cyclosporine A and FK506. She was a co-organizer of the 2022 ASBMB annual meeting and has served on the Public Affairs Advisory Committee and the Meetings Committee.

Edward Eisenstein is a fellow at the University of Maryland Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology Research, an associate professor at the the university's Fischell Department of Bioengineering and associate director of the university's Agricultural Biotechnology Center. His team engineers the poplar plant to create bioenergy and bioproduct feedstocks. His multidisciplinary research provides students varied project-based learning opportunities. He served on the ASBMB Outreach Committee from 2012 to 2018. He has been on the Membership Committee since 2018, serving as its chair since 2019. He is a past editorial board member for the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Nominating Committee

The ASBMB Nominating Committee nominates regular members of the society to stand for election for President, Council, the Publications Committee and the Nominating Committee. Committee members are elected for three-year terms and can be reelected or reappointed to serve one additional term.

Pablo Sobrado
Judith Simcox

Judith Simcox is an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The Simcox lab works to identify novel lipids in the circulation, determine how their production is regulated and discover how these plasma lipids function in metabolic disease. In 2017, Simcox was awarded the American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship for her work on circulating lipids as a fuel source for the heart during cold exposure. She was named an Emerging Investigator by the University of Illinois Chicago in 2020 and a member of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's inaugural class of Freeman Hrabowski Scholars in 2023. She won the ASBMB's 2024 Walter A. Shaw Young Investigator Award in Lipid Research.

Publications Committee

The ASBMB Publications Committee oversees the society’s scholarly publishing activities, advises the Council on policy and ethical issues that may arise and advises journal editors about editorial matters, including the approval of associate editor appointments. Committee members are elected for five-year terms and can be reelected or reappointed to serve one additional term.

Evette Radisky
Jason Gestwicki

Jason Gestwicki is a professor of pharmaceutical chemistry and the associate director of the Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases at the University of California, San Francisco. His research focuses on molecular chaperones and developing innovative tools and approaches to target diseases of protein misfolding. The group recently published a research article on the structure–activity relationships of the human 20S proteasome activators. In 2009, Gestwicki received a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation, and in 2023, he received the E. Thomas Kaiser Award from the Protein Society.


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