
FASEB and NIH partner on DataWorks! Prize

Emily Ruff
By Emily Ruff
May 21, 2022

The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology and the Office of Data Science Strategy at the National Institutes of Health on May 11 announced the launch of DataWorks! Prize. The prize will showcase exemplary achievements in biological and biomedical research that were made possible through data sharing and reuse.    


Sharing and reusing scientific data openly has tremendous potential to catalyze new scientific discoveries. Exemplary data management and sharing requires innovative and interdisciplinary collaboration to maximize impact. The prize will recognize and reward research teams with exemplary and inspirational data sharing and reuse achievements.  

“The launch of the DataWorks! Prize marks an innovative partnership between the NIH Office of Data Science Strategy and FASEB,” said Susan Gregurick, director of ODSS. “The future of biological and biomedical research hinges on the ability of researchers to share and reuse data. Our goal is to incentivize creativity in developing best practices and strategies to share data and to further the NIH’s data management and sharing policy.”  

To amplify and incentivize effective practices and stimulate significant community engagement around data sharing and reuse, the DataWorks! Prize will make up to 14 team awards in data sharing and data reuse categories. Submissions will undergo a two-stage review process, with final awards selected by a panel of NIH officials. Twelve winning teams will be recognized with a cash prize and will share their stories in a DataWorks! Prize symposium.  Two winning teams will receive a nonmonetary recognition.

“FASEB is championing an audacious vision of data sharing and reuse. Building a culture of data sharing and reuse in the biological and biomedical communities is part of this vision. We are proud to celebrate the value of data sharing and reuse through prize mechanisms with significant financial incentives,” said FASEB President Patricia L. Morris, who is both a guest investigator at The Rockefeller University and a senior Scientist at Chromocell.  

The challenge

The two-phase challenge will award a total purse of $500,000 across 12 teams.

In Round 1, each research team will submit a narrative summary describing the catalytic impact of data sharing or reuse practices on their research. Up to 50 teams with the most compelling and impactful stories will be invited to participate in the second round of the challenge.

In Round 2, each research team will share a detailed story demonstrating the achievements and innovation that were made possible through data sharing or reuse. A panel of subject-matter experts will review and score submissions in three categories:

  • Excellence in Data Sharing and Reuse
  • Innovative Impact on Human Health
  • Potential for Community Engagement and Outreach.

The prizes

There are two awards for exemplary data-sharing practices and innovation in data reuse, as well as community recognition awards.  

The NIH is sponsoring up to 12 prizes with a total purse of up to $500,000:

  • Up to two $100,000 awards
  • Up to four $50,000 awards
  • Up to two $25,000 awards
  • Up to four $12,500 awards

FASEB will award up two nonmonetary awards as part of the 2022 DataWorks! Prize.


This team challenge is open to anyone aged 18 or older. Team captains must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. International researchers can participate on a team with a team captain who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Some restrictions apply. 

To accept the challenge, and for more information, visit  or

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Emily Ruff
Emily Ruff

Emily Ruff is the DataWorks! community manager for the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.

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