ASBMB welcomes new members
The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology welcomed 72 new members in August.
Anna Blumental–Perry, University at Buffalo
Ishmaelina Borde–Koufie, WuXi AppTec
Abdelbasset Boubakri, University of Bern
Muriel Boube, Centre de Biologie Intégrative Centre de Biologie du Développemnt
Sotiria Boukouvala, Democritus University of Thrace
Maranda Cantrell, Boise State University
Rey Carabeo, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Juliana Chan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sharmistha Chatterjee, College of Medicine & Sagore Dutta Hospital
Kent Clinger, Lipscomb University
Cecilia Contreras, University of Tennessee
Peren Coskun, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Brandon Czowski, University of Notre Dame
Michel Dron, Institut national de la recherche agronomique
Emily Dustman, United Soybean Board
Vali Engles, University of California, Davis
Jorge Farias, Universidad de La Frontera
Isabella Fu, University of Washington
Leah Gates, Rockefeller University
Jasmine George, Morehouse School of Medicine
Natalie Giacobe, Pennsylvania State University
Harout Gulesserian, California State University, Northridge
James Hagerty, Case Western Reserve University
M. Florencia Haurat, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research/FDA
Levi Helmick, West Virginia University
Jennifer Heritz, Daemen College
Cory Johnson, University of Maine
Elizabeth Johnson, Cornell University
Gregor Jose, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research
Nathalie Juge, Quadram Institute Bioscience
Udeshika Kariyawasam, Oklahoma State University
Devin Kelly, West Virginia University
Daisuke Kurita, Hirosaki University
Carly Lancaster, Emory University
Lina Lietuvninkas, University of Oklahoma
Vannie Liu, University of California,Santa Barbara
Yuan Liu, Florida International University
Bryanna Longacre, University of Kansas
Anita Luu, Univeristy of Guelph
Brittany Mahon, Stockton University
Allison Mancini, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Carol Manhart, Temple University
Kaitlyn Marra, Thomas Jefferson University
Christian McDonald, University of Miami
Raechel McKinley, Howard University
Mitchell Myhre, Texas State University
Sean O'Croidheain, University College Dublin
Gloria Okenze, Covenant University
Clarita Olvera Carranza, Instituto de Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Alison Ondrus, California Institute of Technology
Sarah Overall, ETH Zurich Switzerland
George Parra, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Andres Perez, University of California, Los Angeles
Sarah Petty, University of Tennessee
Patrick Pirrotte, Translational Genomics Research Institute
Maria Podbielska, Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences
Will Shindel, Curie Co.
Robert Silver, Syracuse University
Kamini Singh–Evans, Pharmaceutical
Frederick Stull, Western Michigan University
Luguo Sun, National Engineering Laboratory for Druggable Gene and Protein Screening
Nicholas Swanson, Jefferson University
Kenzo Tokunaga, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
Sojit Tomo, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Paola Vergani, University College London
Isha Verma, University of Michigan
Brittany White-Mathieu, Cornell University
Michael Yaeger, Ohio State University
Jianxiang Ye, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tomasz Zajkowski, University of Warsaw
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