President's Message

No, we will not be silent

Gerald Hart
June 3, 2020

On Monday, members of the ASBMB Minority Affairs Committee released a powerful statement in response to police killings of Black people and institutionalized racism in the United States. Their message was emailed to all society members and was published in ASBMB Today. The ASBMB also shared it on all our social media channels, including our three journal accounts.

The ASBMB Council fully endorses and embraces this statement. We are grateful to the authors for writing with both vulnerability and courage. The statement is signed by its authors, because they deserve the writing credit, but we want to make clear that the society stands in solidarity with every word. 

We especially want to emphasize this necessary call to action: "We call on all members of the ASBMB to step up, speak out and intervene, even if our voices shake, for it is only in just actions that we will start correcting some of the historical wrongs that our nation has imposed upon communities of color." 

We encourage all of our members to actively participate, in whatever ways they are able, in the radical transformation of our country so that, finally, every voice will be heard, and justice and equity can be realized by all. 

If you haven't already, or even if you have, please read the statement here.  

Sincerely, and on behalf of the ASBMB Council,

Gerald Hart, ASBMB President

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Gerald Hart

Gerald Hart is a professor and Georgia Research Alliance eminent scholar at the University of Georgia. He is a former president of the ASBMB.

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