
Calendar of events, awards and opportunities

Join us for a #DiscoverBMB chat about abstracts, travel awards and the annual ASBMB Undergraduate Poster Competition. Also note that the deadline for fellows nominations has been extended.
ASBMB Today Staff
Nov. 20, 2022

Every week, we update this list with new meetings, awards, scholarships and events to help you advance your career. If you’d like us to feature something that you’re offering to the bioscience community, email us with the subject line “For calendar.” ASBMB members’ offerings take priority, and we do not promote products/services. Learn how to advertise in ASBMB Today.

Nov. 21: Twitter chat about #DiscoverBMB

At this Twitter chat, we’ll have experts on hand to answer your questions about the #DiscoverBMB abstract-submission process, travel awards and our annual Undergraduate Poster Competition. If you want to apply for a travel award or participate in the poster competition, you must submit an abstract by the Nov. 30 deadline. Here are our panelists:

  • Kirsten Block, the ASBMB's director of education, professional development and outreach
  • Kathleen Cornely, a professor of chemistry at Providence College in Rhode Island and chair of the ASBMB Undergraduate Poster Competition Committee
  • Bill Sullivan, a professor at at Indiana University School of Medicine and author of "How to write a killer abstract in 10 sentences"

To make this chat as helpful as possible, we need to know what you need to know! What questions do you have about abstracts, travel awards, the Undergraduate Poster Competition — or anything else related to #DiscoverBMB? Email Allison Frick, our multimedia and social content manager, at with questions to submit to our panelists, or tweet us by tagging @ASBMB on Twitter and using the hashtag #DiscoverBMBchat. We look forward to hearing from you!

The chat will start at 2 p.m. Eastern on Monday, Nov. 21.

Nov. 21: ASBMB fellows nomination deadline extended

Fellows of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology are recognized for their contributions to the society and their contributions advancing the molecular life sciences, whether that's through research, education and mentorship, or other forms of service to the scientific community. The deadline for nominations is Nov. 21. Learn more.

Nov. 30: On-time abstracts due for #DiscoverBMB

If you're planning to present your work at #DiscoverBMB, the ASBMB's new annual meeting, the regular abstract-submission deadline is Nov. 30. All accepted abstracts will be published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Also, ASBMB members presenting as first authors are encouraged to apply for the following awards, also by Nov. 30:

Not an ASBMB member? Join today to take advantage of these awards and registration discounts.

Dec. 6: Deuel lipids meeting early registration deadline

The ASBMB Deuel conference is a must-attend event for leading lipids investigators — and for scientists who’ve just begun to explore the role of lipids in their research programs. This event will bring together a diverse array of people, including those who have not attended Deuel or perhaps any lipid meeting before. The conference is a forum for the presentation of new and unpublished data, and attendees enjoy the informal atmosphere that encourages free and open discussion. Interested scientists are invited to attend and encourage trainees to submit abstracts by Jan. 10. Learn more.

Dec. 12: Deadline for FASEB awards for women

FASEB’s Excellence in Science Awards recognize achievements by women in science at three different career stages:

  • Lifetime Achievement (established investigators)
  • Mid-Career Investigator (within seven to 15 years of first independent scientist position)
  • Early-Career Investigator (within seven years of first independent scientist position)

Nominations are due Dec. 12. Learn more.

Reminder: It's time to renew your ASBMB membership

Please take a moment to renew your ASBMB membership. Contact us at or 240-283-6604 if you need assistance.

Jan. 9: Deadline for insomnia biomarkers project proposals

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine Foundation is offering up to $50,000 for mentored research projects "that address one or more important unanswered scientific questions related to sleep, sleep disorders and/or sleep health." This includes circadian science. Applications will be accepted from Nov. 28 through Jan. 9. Learn more.

Jan. 10: DOE summer internships for undergrads

The Department of Energy is accepting applications from undergraduates who'd like to do internships at national laboratories over the summer. There are two programs, one of which is specifically for community college students. The application deadline is Jan. 10. Learn more.

Jan. 22: Deadline for science policy submissions

The Journal of Science Policy & Governance and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research have launched a new call for papers and competition. The special issue will "showcase early-career voices in addressing global science policy and diplomacy challenges," according to Adriana Bankston, CEO and managing publisher of the journal. Learn more.

FASEB family care awards

The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology has launched the Career Advancement and Research Excellence Support (CARES) Program, which provides financial support for caregiving, enabling FASEB society members to continue their scientific training, professional development and career progression. Read the eligibility criteria and apply.

IUBMB relocation support for displaced trainees

The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is offering $2,000 to graduate students and postdocs displaced from their labs as a result of natural disaster, war or "other events beyond their control that interrupt their training." The money is for travel and settling in. Learn more and spread the word to those who could use assistance.

On-demand webinar on getting, gaining influence

The American Association for Anatomy has a free on-demand webinar titled "The power of suggestion: How to get and gain influence." It features Adele Cehrs, CEO of the When and How Agency, who explains "when the power of suggestion is most likely to work for individuals and how to use it to your advantage through traditional media and social media channels." As we understand it, AAA membership is not required (but you will have to create an account) to view the webinar. Here's a list of all of AAA's open-access webinars.

July 11–14: Motifs, modules, networks

Mark your calendar for an ASBMB conference on the assembly and organization of regulatory signaling systems in Potomac, Md. The organizers are Wolfgang Peti of the University of Connecticut Health Center, Benjamin Turk of the Yale School of Medicine and Arminja Kettenbach of Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine. Stay tuned for abstract and registration deadlines. Learn more.

Call for virtual scientific event proposals

The ASBMB provides members with a virtual platform to share scientific research and accomplishments and to discuss emerging topics and technologies with the BMB community.

The ASBMB will manage the technical aspects, market the event to tens of thousands of contacts and present the digital event live to a remote audience. Additional tools such as polling, Q&A, breakout rooms and post event Twitter chats may be used to facilitate maximum engagement.

Seminars are typically one to two hours long. A workshop or conference might be longer and even span several days.

Prospective organizers may submit proposals at any time. Decisions are usually made within four to six weeks.

Propose an event.

Take over the JLR Twitter account

If you are a graduate student, postdoc or early-career investigator interested in hosting a #LipidTakeover, fill out this application. You can spend a day tweeting from the Journal of Lipid Research's account (@JLipidRes) about your favorite lipids and your work.

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ASBMB Today Staff

This article was written by a member or members of the ASBMB Today staff.

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