
Calendar of events, awards and opportunities

This week: ASBMB Lipid Research Division seminar series and webinar on competitive academic portfolios. Just added: Opportunities for postdocs and policy fellowship.
ASBMB Today Staff
Sept. 24, 2023

Every week, we update this list with new meetings, awards, scholarships and events to help you advance your career. If you’d like us to feature something that you’re offering to the bioscience community, email us with the subject line “For calendar.” ASBMB members’ offerings take priority, and we do not promote products/services. Learn how to advertise in ASBMB Today.

Sept. 27: Chemical biology in lipid signaling and metabolism

The ASBMB Lipid Research Division Seminar Series, which features monthly presentations from young researchers, returns at noon Eastern on Sept. 27 with "Chemical biology in lipid signaling and metabolism," organized by Ray Blind of Vanderbilt University. Talks will be:

  • "A phosphorylation-controlled switch confers cell cycle-dependent protein relocalization" by Xiaofu Cao, Cornell University.
  • "Biological C(sp3)-C(sp3) coupling: An extreme strategy to form the phospholipid monolayer membrane" by Cody Lloyd, Pennsylvania State University. 
Attention LRD members: Starting this fall, ASBMB membership will be required to continue as a member of the LRD. Also, while free access to the LRD webinars will continue through the end of the year, access will be limited to ASBMB members as of Jan. 1. Become an ASBMB member.  Learn more about the seminar series.

Sept. 28: ASBMB webinar on competitive academic portfolios

At 3 p.m. Eastern on Sept. 28, join our webinar for undergraduates aspiring to pursue a Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. degree. Discover the secrets that will help you stand out from the competition. Learn how to maintain a stellar GPA, excel in standardized exams and secure impactful letters of recommendation. Craft a compelling personal statement and polish your CV/résumé to showcase your potential. Get expert advice on cultivating meaningful relationships with mentors and professors. Don't miss this opportunity to pave your way into a graduate program and embark on an exciting career in biomedical sciences. Learn more.

Oct. 1: 2024 Canada Gairdner awards nomination deadline

Nominations for the John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global Health Award and the Canada Gairdner International Award are due at 11:59 p.m. Pacific time on Oct. 1. Five international awards are presented annually to "outstanding biomedical scientists who have made original contributions resulting in an increased understanding of human biology and disease." One health award will recognize "scientifically based research that has improved the health and well-being of those facing health inequities worldwide." Learn more.

Oct. 4: DOE undergrad internships application deadline

The U.S. Department of Energy is accepting applications for its Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships. Through this paid internship opportunity, undergraduate students who are ready to use their major in a science, technology, engineering and mathfield or science policy will be mentored by a leading science expert at one of the 17 participating DOE laboratories/facilities. Learn more.

Oct. 10: Webinar about funding from NINDS

At 2 p.m. Eastern on Oct. 10, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke's Office of Programs to Enhance Neuroscience Workforce Diversity is hosting a webinar about the institute's Office of Global Health and Health Disparities, which "leads the coordination, development and reporting on programs and initiatives related to national and international research on disparities and inequities in neurological disease." Scientists at all career levels are welcome to join the discussion on  "the NINDS health equity strategic plan, NINDS health equity research and global health research portfolios, and related funding opportunities." Learn more.

Oct. 10: Webinar biomechanics in cell biology

The American Society for Cell Biology is hosting a webinar with Bruker BioAFM and guest speakers who will "provide insights into their research and outline how atomic force microscopy has been used to study the biomechanical properties of cells and tissues, how cells respond to their extracellular environment and biological and mechanical cues, and how cell morphology can change during pathogenesis." Learn more.

Oct. 12: #DiscoverBMB 2024 early-decision abstract deadline

When you present your research at #DiscoverBMB, you get the recognition and constructive feedback that you need to make your work even better. Submit your abstract by Oct. 12 and you will be notified of a decision by Nov. 1. International researchers are encouraged to participate so that they can get an early start on the visa process. Early decision notification will include acceptance/rejection but will not include presentation format; decisions on oral or poster presentation will be sent in January. Learn more.

Oct. 16: Mirzayan fellowship application deadline

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine is accepting applications for the 2024 Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program. Current graduate students or recent graduates who are interested in exploring career options outside of academia or industry are invited to apply. Fellows will spend 12 weeks in Washington, D.C., work with a National Academies board and mentor from their assigned host unit. They'll also learn about science and technology policy and have the opportunity to network with experts. There is an informational webinar at 2 p.m. Eastern on Sept. 6. Learn more.

Oct. 19: ASBMB webinar on teaching enzymology with PDB

RCSB Protein Data Bank is a rich open-access resource for introducing many aspects of protein structure and function into biochemistry courses. In addition to containing more than 200,000 biomacromolecule 3D structures, it also hosts PDB-101 training materials, the Molecule of the Month series and additional resources for exploring enzyme structure–function relationships. At 2 p.m. Eastern on Oct. 19, speakers will demonstrate how to use new tools and share hands-on learning exercises. Participants will learn to use PDB resources to create graphically rich, deeply annotated and engaging lessons about enzyme function for their upper-division undergraduate and graduate students and even administrators or funding agencies. Learn more.

Oct. 23: Cardiovascularrenal research symposium

The Cardiovascular–Renal Research Center at The University of Mississippi Medical Center is hosting a research symposium Oct. 23 for graduate students. Apply to present a talk and secure a travel award.

Nov. 1: ASBMB Virtual Career Expo

The ASBMB Career Expo highlights the diversity of career choices available to modern biomedical researchers. No matter your career stage, this virtual event will provide a plethora of career options for you to explore and connect you with knowledgeable professionals in these careers. Each 60-minute session will focus on a different career path and will feature breakout rooms with a range of professionals in those paths. Attendees can choose to meet in a small group with a single professional for the entire session or move freely between breakout rooms to sample advice from multiple professionals. Sessions will feature the following five sectors: government, science communication, science and health policy, pharma and biotech. Learn more.

Nov. 1: Policy fellowship application deadline

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellows program "seeks outstanding midcareer health professionals, behavioral/social scientists and others with an interest in health and health policy." During the fellowship, which requires a full-time commitment with a minimum 12-month residence in Washington, D.C., fellows are placed with members of Congress, a congressional committee or in the executive branch. The experience "prepares individuals to influence the future of health and health care in the nation." Learn more.

Nov. 1: HHMI Janelia's Group Leader Competition deadline

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus is seeking outstanding scientists, late-stage graduate students, postdoctoral associates or early-career faculty members to apply for its Group Leader Competition. Researchers who are "enthusiastic about taking charge of a small lab within an inspiring and collaborative environment" and interested in conducting research in one or more of the program's outlined scientific areas, which include building blocks of cognition through flies and fish and machine learning, are invited to apply. Learn more.

Nov. 9: National Postdoctoral Association International Equity Summit

The National Postdoctoral Association will host a series of interactive online discussions during this summit, which "seeks to identify barriers — and find paths forward — in the greater postdoctoral community that significantly and/or disproportionately impact international scholars. Learn more.

Nov. 28: Important deadline for ASBMB student chapters

Current ASBMB student chapters can renew at any time, but they must do so by Nov. 28 to be eligible for travel awards to the annual meeting, Discover BMB, in March in San Antonio. Log in to renew your chapter. Learn more about the travel awards.

Dec. 31: Call for stories about science centers

In celebration of its 50th anniversary, the Association of Science and Technology Centers is seeking stories about "the way that science centers and museums ... and other organizations ... play a role in the lives or careers of individuals and are making a positive impact on local communities." Questions to consider include:

  • Did a science center or museum — or other experience with science engagement — play a formative role in your own life or career?
  • How do science centers and museums have a positive impact on your community?
  • How will the science centers and museums of the future engage all people?
Responses are accepted in the form of video, photos or text. Learn more.

Jan. 15: Congressional policy fellowship application deadline

The American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy is partnering with the American Association for the Advancement of Science to host a one-year policy fellowship on Capitol Hill. "Fellows will provide high-quality, science-based, independent guidance to federal policy makers and elevate awareness of the Society among policymaking circles." Learn more.

March 15–16: National Postdoctoral Association Annual Conference

The 2024 National Postdoctoral Conference will be held in Seattle. It is "the largest national conference and networking event dedicated to the postdoctoral community " during which attendees will have the "opportunity to gather and enhance their professional development and leadership skills." Learn more.

March 23–26: See you at #DiscoverBMB in San Antonio

#DiscoverBMB is the annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. With a mission to share the latest, most impactful research findings in the molecular life sciences, #DiscoverBMB offers an exciting agenda that includes talks by the field's foremost experts, interactive workshops on the latest trends, technologies and techniques, and an invigorating exhibition of posters, services and products. The meeting attracts researchers in academia and industry, educators, trainees and students from across the globe. It offers unparalleled opportunities for collaborating, networking and recruiting. See the symposia themes and organizers.  Learn more.

Sept. 26–30, 2024: ASBMB's transcriptional regulation meeting

The fields of transcription biochemistry and molecular biology have become one with chromatin biology and epigenetics with extensive cross-talk. RNA polymerase II and its transcription machinery play an essential role in the modification and remodeling of chromatin, and chromatin regulates gene expression in both normal and pathological conditions. With recent innovations and technological advances in clinical and preclinical research, personalized medicine is becoming a reality, in part because of advances in our understanding of RNA polymerase II. Many established and new investigators have taken on the challenge of elucidating the molecular mechanisms of gene expression by RNA polymerase II in the context of chromatin. The community is highly dynamic and multi-disciplinary, with an ever-changing set of focal areas that establish new paradigms and new ways of thinking about the topic. Even after decades of study, this research area continues to advance, reveal new concepts, and bolsters almost every other area of biology. Learn more.

Early 2025: ASBMB Deuel Conference on Lipids

The Deuel conference will resume in 2025. It is a must-attend event for leading lipids investigators — and for scientists who’ve just begun to explore the role of lipids in their research programs. This event will bring together a diverse array of people including those who have not attended Deuel or perhaps any lipid meeting before. The conference is a forum for the presentation of new and unpublished data, and attendees enjoy the informal atmosphere that encourages free and open discussion. Interested scientists are invited to attend and encourage trainees to submit abstracts. Learn more.

Do you have a great idea for a scientific event?

We are now accepting proposals for scientific events to be held in 2024 and 2025. You pick the topic, the sessions and the speakers, and we’ll do the rest.

That’s right! We’ll manage registration, market the event to tens of thousands of scientists, and handle all the logistics so that you can focus on the science.  

The top areas of research interest among ASBMB members include the following, but we’ll consider all proposals:  

  • Protein structure and folding 
  • Molecular bases of disease 
  • Gene regulation 
  • Signal transduction 
  • Metabolism 

What molecule, method or research question needs more attention? We’re here to help you realize your vision and deliver cutting-edge science to the BMB community. 

Propose an event.

Year-round: Van Andel Institute postdoc preview applications

Van Andel Institute offers sernior graduate students who are exploring postdoc options the opportunity to visit VAI to learn about its postdoctoral training positions. Applications are accepted year-round, and participants will meet one-on-one with faculty and explore VAI's scientific resources. There is no cost to attend for selected applicants. Learn more.

Year-round: HHMI Janelia Visiting Scientist Program applications

Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and established senior investigators are all invited to participate in Janelia's Visiting Scientist Program. Janelia accepts visitor proposals on a continuous basis. Since 2007, more than 410 visiting scientists from 23 countries have participated in the program. Learn more.

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ASBMB Today Staff

This article was written by a member or members of the ASBMB Today staff.

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