Upcoming opportunities
Every week, we update this list with new meetings, awards, scholarships and events to help you advance your career. If you’d like us to feature something that you’re offering to the bioscience community, email us with the subject line “For calendar.” ASBMB members’ offerings take priority, and we do not promote products/services. Learn how to advertise in ASBMB Today.
July 4: Webinar on accessibility in the lab
On July 4, the Biochemical Society and Portland Press are hosting a webinar on how to improve accessibility in the lab. Limited resources for staff training and purchasing accessibility-related technology can be barriers in the workplace for individuals with disabilities. Invited speakers will discuss "some of the limitations encountered in the laboratory environment with the aim of highlighting key modifications and considerations that can ease the barriers for all scientists and pave the way for a new generation of discoveries." Learn more.

July 10: Abstracts due for ASBMB transcriptional regulation meeting
Present your work Sept. 26–30 at this ASBMB conference on transcriptional regulation in Alexandria, Va., just outside of the nation's capital. Submit your abstract and get a discount on registration by July 10.
July 15: Entries due for Science & SciLifeLab Prize
Scientists awarded a doctoral degree in 2022 or 2023 can enter to win the annual Science & SciLifeLab Prize for outstanding life science research. The grand prize winner will receive $30,000, and each category winner will receive $10,000. Learn more.
July 16–17: Virtual summit on making labs sustainable
The ReAdvance initiative is hosting its annual online summit, GreenLaboratoryWork, July 16–17. Topics include: how to reduce plastic, optimizing methods, greener items and procurement, safer chemicals and health in climate change, the impact of AI and machine learning, and how to convince colleagues. Learn more.

July 17: ASBMB webinar on NINDS funding and training
Join the ASBMB public affairs department at its monthly “Finding the funds” webinar connecting ASBMB members with the unique funding opportunities that are available to them as BMB scientists. In this edition, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke will presents its funding priorities, award opportunities and training grants. Learn more and register.

July 22: ASBMB webinar on returning to work after caregiving
This webinar, sponsored by the ASBMB Women in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Committee, will focus on federal programs designed to support re-entry and retention in the scientific workforce after caregiving breaks. Read a recent ASBMB Today article about such programs. Learn more and register.
July 23: Webinar on metalloenzymes
At 9 a.m. Eastern on July 23, the Biochemical Society and Portland Press are hosting a webinar on "the innovative use of metalloenzymes in synthetic applications, synthetic cells mimicking living processes, and bacterial platforms utilising diverse carbon sources from renewable waste." Learn more.
July 26: Apply for the SACNAS Postdoc Leadership Institute
The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science's Postdoc Leadership Institute (PLI) provides an opportunity for "postdocs looking to develop their ability to bring their whole selves – including their culture – to their leadership practice." The PLI is a pre-conference program that will be held during SACNAS' 2024 annual meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. Participants in the program will "access a customized curriculum, mentoring opportunities," and more. Applicants must have started their postdoc position by April. Learn more.
July 31: Apply for ENABLE-Africa Fellowships
Applications are being accepted through July 21 for five IUBMB MilliporeSigma ENABLE-Africa Fellowships of up to $2,000 for Ph.D.-seeking graduate students or junior researchers within five years of receiving a Ph.D. from any country in Africa to attend the annual FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE Conference. Learn more and apply.

Aug. 1: ASBMB "Molecular Motifs" bioart contest entries due
Help us celebrate the beauty of biochemistry and molecular biology by submitting your artwork to the ASBMB's "Molecular Motifs" contest! Submissions may include:
- Photographs (fluorescence microscopy, cells, photos of 3D artworks etc.).
- Molecular visualizations.
- Data visualizations.
- Biomedical illustrations.
Aug. 4: Latin American Women in Chemistry Awards
The Latin American Women in Chemistry Awards, supported by the American Chemical Society and Latin American Federation of Chemical Associations, "recognize women scientists with relevant contributions and outstanding research in the field of chemistry and related sciences" and promote gender equality in STEM for Latin American and Caribbean communities. Winners will receive $2,000 cash prizes. Learn more.
Aug. 21: Science communication prize deadline
The Biochemical Society invites entries of articles, videos, podcast/audio pieces or infographics aimed at the general public and communicating a topic in the biosciences. Learn more.

Aug. 28: ASBMB webinar on outreach and civic engagement funding
For the August “Finding the funds” webinar connecting ASBMB members with the unique funding opportunities available to them as BMB scientists, the ASBMB Science Outreach and Communication Committee will host organizations that support broader impact efforts in community science outreach, civic engagement and informal education. They will also highlight the ASBMB's Science Outreach and Communication Grant program. Join us to discover the many ways you can get your science outreach efforts funded. Learn more and register.
Aug. 31: Survey about scientific conferences closes
Ariane Wenger, a postdoc at the Transdisciplinarity Lab at ETH Zurich, is writing her thesis on changing conference practices and has developed a survey for researchers at all career stages. Learn more and take the survey.

Sept. 16: Deadline for ASBMB accreditation applications
ASBMB accreditation is a national, independent, outcomes-based evaluation mechanism that recognizes excellence in B.S. or B.A. degree programs in biochemistry and molecular biology and related disciplines. Accreditation assists BMB educators in meeting the growing demand from collegiate accrediting bodies, university administrators and other stakeholders for regular outcomes assessment. Independent evaluation provides an objective tool for pinpointing strengths and weaknesses in their curriculum. Learn more about the benefits of ASBMB accreditation and apply.

Oct. 21–25: Conference on epigenetic regulation and genome stability
The ASBMB has partnered with the Biophysical Society of China for a meeting on the interplay between epigenetic regulation and genome stability. It will be held Oct. 21–25 in Wuhan, China. There will be seven platform sessions devoted to oral presentations and two poster sessions. In addition to presentations from two keynote speakers and 30 invited speakers, there will be 14 short talks chosen from the abstracts submitted. Learn more and register.
Nov. 1: AAAS policy fellowship application deadline
The American Association for the Advanement of Science is accepting applications for the 2025–2026 Science & Technology Policy Fellowships class until Nov. 1. The program places 250-plus fellows "across all branches of federal government to learn first-hand about policymaking and use their knowledge and skills to address today’s most pressing societal challenges." Learn more and view the schedule of upcoming live chats to hear from program participants, alumni and AAAS staff about their experiences with the program.

Jan. 21–24: ASBMB Deuel Conference on Lipids
The 2025 Deuel conference in Long Beach, Calif., is a must-attend event for leading lipids investigators — and for scientists who’ve just begun to explore the role of lipids in their research programs. The conference is a forum for the presentation of new and unpublished data, and attendees enjoy an informal atmosphere that encourages discussion. Interested scientists are invited to attend and encourage trainees to submit abstracts. Read our Q&A with the organizers. Learn more.
March 31: Free course on career planning
"Career planning for early career scientists" is a free online course by iBiology that will help participants learn valuable career planning skills. The course is open for enrollment until March 31. Learn more.

Summer 2025: Save the date for ASBMB's meeting on ferroptosis
Ferroptosis is form of cell death that integrates biochemistry and molecular biology related to iron homeostasis, redox biology and diverse aspects of metabolism. This meeting will focus on the biochemical and molecular aspects of ferroptosis and how they relate to normal homeostasis and disruptions of homeostasis. Recent exciting advances in new pathways controlling ferroptosis make a meeting on this topic timely. Attendees will meet experts, present their research, get new ideas and form new collaborations in this rapidly growing field. Stay tuned for more information.

June 26–29, 2025: ASBMB's evolution and gene expression meeting
This meeting, which will be held at Stowers Institute in Kansas City, Mo., will showcase the most recent insights into the cis-regulatory code; how cis-regulatory information is read out by transcription factors, signaling pathways and other proteins; how cellular diversity is created during development; and how we can study this problem using cutting-edge genomics technology and computational methods. Learn more.

July 10–13, 2025: ASBMB's O-GlcNAc meeting
This meeting, which will be held in Durham, N.C., will cover O-GlcNAc cycling enzymes and the O-GlcNAc modification in modulating protein function in basic biological processes as well as in disease states, including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurological diseases. Graduate and postdocs will be selected for oral talks and discuss their work at poster sessions. Learn more.

Aug. 17–21, 2025: ASBMB's symposium on proteomics
This five-day symposium, held at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in Cambridge, Mass., will be an international forum for discussion of the remarkable advances in cell and human protein biology revealed by ever-more-innovative and powerful proteomics technologies. The symposium will juxtapose sessions about methodological advances with sessions about the roles those advances play in solving problems and seizing opportunities to understand the composition, dynamics and function of cellular machinery in numerous biological contexts. It will also articulate urgent, unmet needs and unsolved problems that will drive the field in the future. In addition to talks by invited plenary and session speakers, short talks will be selected from submitted abstracts. Registration and abstract-submission information will be available in late 2024. Learn more and sign up for email updates to stay informed.
Do you have a great idea for a scientific event?
We are now accepting proposals for scientific events to be held in 2024 and 2025. You pick the topic, the sessions and the speakers, and we’ll do the rest.
That’s right! We’ll manage registration, market the event to tens of thousands of scientists, and handle all the logistics so that you can focus on the science.
The top areas of research interest among ASBMB members include the following, but we’ll consider all proposals:
- Protein structure and folding
- Molecular bases of disease
- Gene regulation
- Signal transduction
- Metabolism
What molecule, method or research question needs more attention? We’re here to help you realize your vision and deliver cutting-edge science to the BMB community.
Request a Cloud Lab account from the NIH
National Institutes of Health staff and affiliated researchers are invited to register for Cloud Lab accounts. The goal of this self-paced, interactive program is to remove "barriers to cloud adoption by providing no-cost, customized, and scientifically relevant training, making it easier for researchers to learn about and explore the cloud with confidence." Participants will have access to a free cloud account and $500 of credits, which are valid for up to 90 days. Learn more.
Year-round: HHMI Janelia Visiting Scientist Program
Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and established senior investigators are all invited to participate in Janelia's Visiting Scientist Program. Janelia accepts visitor proposals on a continuous basis. Since 2007, more than 410 visiting scientists from 23 countries have participated in the program. Learn more.
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Upcoming opportunities
Save the date for ASBMB's virtual meeting on nucleophilic proteases. Reminder: Get your ticket for #ASBMB25's closing reception at the Griffin Museum of Science and Industry before it sells out!

Emerging Investigator Seminar: Networking, career insights & cutting-edge research
At ASBMB 2025, this all-day seminar will offer a chance to hear from budding scientists, build connections and learn about scientific career opportunities.

Science & sightseeing: The best of Chicago
While enjoying the cutting-edge science at #ASBMB25, check out Chicago’s diverse culture, iconic landmarks delicious food and more recommended by the ASBMB Student Chapter members at Loyola University Chicago.

Summer internships in an unpredictable funding environment
With the National Institutes of Health and other institutions canceling summer programs, many students are left scrambling for alternatives. If your program has been canceled or delayed, consider applying for other opportunities or taking a course.

Upcoming opportunities
Wrap up #ASBMB25 in style! Join us for a closing reception at the Griffin Museum of Science and Industry.

Chicago’s scientific interface
Experience the iconic Griffin Museum of Science and Industry at the ASBMB 2025 Annual Meeting closing reception, where history, innovation and hands-on discovery come together. Network, explore unique exhibits and celebrate scientific progress.