
Calendar of events, awards and opportunities

Just added: Gender equity summit and IMPACT fellowship by the National Postdoctoral Association. Plus, time's running out to register for the ASBMB virtual event "Extracellular vesicle studies: From benchtop to therapeutics."
ASBMB Today Staff
June 27, 2021

Every week, we update this list with new meetings, awards, scholarships and events to help you advance your career. If you’d like us to feature something that you’re offering to the bioscience community, email us with the subject line “For calendar.” ASBMB members’ offerings take priority, and we do not promote products/services. Learn how to advertise in ASBMB Today.

Pride Month activities

We're collecting all sorts of Pride Month events and opportunities here. We'll remove them from the list once they've passed. Please send us additional items if you come across them. Our address is above.


June 29: Queering Sci-Comm

Scientific QUEERies, which hosts a biweekly seminar series to increase visibility of LGBTQ+ speakers from all STEM disciplines, is hosting an event titled "Queering Sci-Com: Communicating Science Through Presentations, TV, News Media and Digital Platforms" on June 24. It's virtual and free. Register.

July 1 & mid-July: My Fave Queer Chemist Pride Summer events

The hosts of the My Fave Queer Chemist podcast are holding a series of Pride-related events. On July 1, there will be a panel about LGBTQ+ scientists in academia. And in mid-July (exact date not posted as of press time), Carolyn Bertozzi will be the special guest. Small donations are encouraged for each event. They will benefit several organizations dedicated to trans youth and adults. We spotted this schedule posted by @MFQCPod on Twitter and recommend keeping an eye on their feed for details about how to participate.

GSA seminar series on gene function across organisms

The Genetics Society of America is hosting a free series of seminars from June through November exploring gene function across humans and model organisms. GSA's president, Hugo Bellen, explained the impetus for this series in an op-ed in May. He wrote, in part, "We believe that these seminars will be useful to investigators at all career stages and across different model organisms, as well as for human biologists. We hope this will add a new dimension to research, reveal unanticipated phenotypes, speed up discovery, allow new funding opportunities, and lead to the discovery of new fundamental aspects of biology." Below is the schedule of seminars. See the speakers and register here.

June 28 — Tackling human gene function in model organisms

July 26 — Matching interests across research teams: GeneMatcher and ModelMatcher

Aug. 23 — MARRVEL: Mining genetic and genomic data across model organisms and human

Sept. 20 — Mining model organism data in the Alliance of Genome Resources Portal

Oct. 4 — Monarch Initiative: Cross-species phenotype comparison for disease diagnosis and discovery

Nov. 1 — Unraveling the links between hereditary and viral microcephaly

June 29–30: National Academies diversity summit

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine is hosting a virtual two-day summit titled "Addressing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism In 21st Century STEMM Organizations" June 29–30. Here are highlights of the program: a talk on the fundamental value of diversity, sessions on institutional and individual practices and patterns of behavior, a session about what the National Academies is doing and a session on "popular efforts, their limitations and what they miss." Download the program in advance and register.

June 29–July 3: BlackinX Conference & Celebration

@BlackinChem on Twitter brought to our attention this BlackinX conference that will span many disciplines and have the theme "Lift As We Climb." It will be free and virtual. Advertised speakers include: Kilan Bishop, Kizzmekia Corbett and Keisha S. RayRegister. (Related: See careers columnist Martina G. Efeyini's piece about the #BlackInX Twitter movement.)

ASBMB Lipid Research Division Seminar Series

The ASBMB Lipid Research Division features the work of young investigators at noon Eastern on Wednesdays. If you are interested in presenting, please contact John Burke. Register once to access the free series.

Here are the speakers for the seminar on June 30.

Mouhannad (Charles) Malek of Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie in Berlin
Inositol triphosphate-triggered calcium release blocks lipid exchange at endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi contact sites

Archna Ravi of Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute
PI5P4Ks drive metabolic homeostasis through peroxisome-mitochondria interplay

July 12 & 13: Gender equity summit

The National Postdoctoral Association is holding the 2021 Gender Equity Summit over two days, in a virtual format, in July. The event is free, and NPA membership is not required. The goal, as stated on the event website, is to "seek paths forward on barriers in the postdoctoral community toward gender equality, recognizing that women and gender-diverse people do not start in the same position as men." Check out the agenda and register.

July 16: Oncomine Clinical Research Grant Program deadline

The Oncomine Clinical Research Grant Program supports education projects and investigator-initiated studies on molecular testing in reproductive health and oncology. The goal of the grant program is to increase high-quality molecular profiling for patients and to improve future clinical outcomes. Grant applications will be accepted from June 14 through July 16. Learn more.

July 20–21: Green Labs Digital Summit

Lab Manager is hosting a free two-day event about sustainable labs. If you're interested in greening your lab (reducing energy consumption and waste and optimizing processes), save the dates for presentations on such things as metrics for sustainability, net zero labs and long-term savings strategies. Learn more.

July 21–23: Extracellular vesicle studies: From benchtop to therapeutics

Extracellular vesicles are secreted, membrane-bound compartments containing DNA and cytoplasmic constituent molecules of all types that are thought to act as mediators of intercellular communication. They are classified by both size and location/mechanism of cellular origination. They are thought to be produced by an ever-expanding diversity of cell types and species. However, there is also considerable skepticism related to their existence and utility, as it can be difficult to isolate EVs since there is no EV-specific molecular marker to target. (Editor's note: See this ASBMB Today feature on EVs by former science writer Rajendrani Mukhopadhyay.)

A primary focus in recent years has been to describe the mechanisms of molecular sorting that would allow researchers to target proteins produced from exogenously introduced DNA to EVs for cellular secretion and uptake. The potential value of EVs to therapeutics is thought to be enormous, thanks to the role of EVs in cell–cell communication as a robust, native delivery vehicle.

This event will appeal to a broad audience, including molecular biologists, biochemists, biophysicists, secretion experts, cell–cell communication specialists, clinicians, physiologists and others. Late-breaking abstracts will be accepted from June 15 through June 25. The early registration deadline is June 25, and the regular registration deadline is July 16. Visit the event homepage.

July 30: Deadline to apply for PALM fellowship

The Promoting Active Learning and Mentoring (PALM) Network is accepting applications from postdocs and faculty members who wish to learn about and get better at implementing evidence-based active learning. This program is supported by the National Science Foundation. During the COVID-19 pandemic, fellows and mentors will participate virtually. Learn more.

Aug. 1: Propose a workshop for the 2022 ASBMB Annual Meeting

The ASBMB annual meeting will be held in person in Philadelphia in April. We're accepting proposals through Aug. 1 for workshops at the meeting. This is your chance to shape the content and nature of our most important conference of the year. Please consider submitting a proposal for a 60- to 90-minute interactive event. Here's the form.

Aug. 1: Apply for NPA IMPACT Fellowship Program

The National Postdoctoral Association offers a six-month professional-development fellowship for marginalized early-career research trainees. It provides peer circles, mentoring, a speaker series and other activities. Participants, according to the website, "use the knowledge, tools and resources they gain from the program to implement activities or initiatives at their institutions to contribute back to their communities." Applications are due. Aug. 1. Learn more.

Aug. 31: FASEB BioArt contest entries due

Every year, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology holds a competition featuring stellar scientific images and videos. Submissions are welcome from federally funded investigators/groups and members of constituent societies. Read the guidelines. Submissions are welcome beginning July 15. See past winning images.

Call for virtual scientific event proposals

The ASBMB provides members with a virtual platform to share scientific research and accomplishments and to discuss emerging topics and technologies with the BMB community.

The ASBMB will manage the technical aspects, market the event to tens of thousands of contacts and present the digital event live to a remote audience. Additional tools such as polling, Q&A, breakout rooms and post event Twitter chats may be used to facilitate maximum engagement.

Seminars are typically one to two hours long. A workshop or conference might be longer and even span several days.

Prospective organizers may submit proposals at any time. Decisions are usually made within four to six weeks. 

Propose an event.

Oct. 4: Deadline for NAS award nominations

The National Academy of Sciences is accepting nominations for its annual awards. The nominations are due in October, winners will be announced in January, and the ceremony will be held in April. See the list of available awards. Read the nominating instructions.

Oct. 30: Deadline to apply for PALM fellowship

The Promoting Active Learning and Mentoring (PALM) Network is accepting applications from postdocs and faculty members who wish to learn about and get better at implementing evidence-based active learning. This program is supported by the National Science Foundation. During the COVID-19 pandemic, fellows and mentors will participate virtually. Learn more.

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This article was written by a member or members of the ASBMB Today staff.

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