Stefan Lukianov

Articles by Stefan Lukianov

When Science Meets Sickness
Medicine for emotions
April 1, 2018
Stefan Lukianov, a grad student at Harvard Medical School, writes about his experiences with mental illness.

Breakthrough lipid-signaling studies earn Burke praise and recognition
April 1, 2018
John E. Burke’s work focuses primarily on the kinases and phosphatases that catalyze the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of lipid phosphoinositides.

Voelker’s work, integrity draw praise
April 1, 2018
Before a virus can infect a cell, it has to cross a membrane. Dennis Voelker studies that process.

The Do-Over
Love and biochemistry
Jan. 1, 2017
Stefan Lukianov recounts how his pursuit of science cost him his first love.

Science interrupted
Aug. 1, 2016
We asked how stepping off the road of higher education influenced people’s careers and outlook on life. Here's one of the essays we got in response.