Matt Shipman

Matt Shipman is the research communications lead at North Carolina State University. He is also a freelance writer and communications consultant, a contributor to Health News Review, author of the “Handbook for Science Public Information Officers” (University of Chicago Press, 2015), and contributor to “Science Blogging: The Essential Guide” (Yale University Press, 2016).
Articles by Matt Shipman

Simple trick could improve accuracy of plant genetics research
June 16, 2024
Researchers at North Carolina State University have found that a technique used to study gene activity in other organisms can also be used to make studies in plants more accurate.

Greener neighborhoods can protect us — at the molecular level
Nov. 5, 2023
A new study finds that greenspace in urban environments has a positive impact on a key genetic marker associated with exposure to stress.

Stem cell–derived model offers insights on gene activity and addiction
May 13, 2022
“Our work here is the first experimental study to demonstrate gene desensitization in human neuronal cells, specifically in response to dopamine,” first author Ryan Tam said.

How long can viruses survive in a dead body?
May 31, 2020
A Q&A with Matt Koci, a virologist and immunologist at North Carolina State University.