Audrey Lamb

Articles by Audrey Lamb

Annual Meeting
San Antonio, my new home
Oct. 31, 2023
Audrey Lamb reflects on her family’s pandemic-era move to Texas and recommends things to see and do while you’re in town for Discover BMB.

Life in the Lab
F(i/u)nding your next hypothesis
July 8, 2020
Two veteran research scientists share their strategies for developing new ideas.

What we’ve lost by closing our labs — and what we risk reopening them
June 11, 2020
Two biochemistry professors describe the effects of the COVID-19 shutdown on their students and themselves as they ponder strategies and risks of returning to the bench.

Professional Development
The tenured itch
Aug. 1, 2019
Midcareer malaise can cause once-engaged scholars to redirect their obsessional natures in nonproductive ways. Audrey Lamb and Graham Moran suggest a range of remedies.