On-demand career development events
Cloud AI systems for biomedical research optimization and bias mitigation
Jamie Fairclough of Dartmouth College discusses how biomedical research teams can best leverage cloud-based AI systems for research optimization and bias mitigation.
In conversation with...
Engaging discussions with biological and life sciences professionals about their career journeys and the various opportunities available to graduate students and postdocs.
Thriving in challenging environments
Learn practical strategies for thriving in challenging academic or work environments, maintaining resilience, and recognizing when it may be time to pursue new opportunities.
Beyond your bench skills
Learn how your transferable skills and network will help you land an industry job.
Success in graduate school: Building your skills for future careers
Learn about five key areas of professional development to prepare graduates to take advantage of job opportunities in academia and beyond.
Strategies for coping with the midcareer doldrums
Learn strategies for rediscovering joy in professional activities such as research and teaching and learn how to reenergize your career by pursuing new directions and initiatives.
The art of effective negotiation for women scientists
This workshop teaches the fundamentals of negotiation relevant to a variety of one-on-one conversations and group settings. Topics include the importance of negotiation to advance research and career objectives, identification of negotiables for research and career advancement, elements of a successful negotiation, the importance of developing alternatives to an agreement, techniques for handling difficult people and conversations, the importance of listening and appreciating different viewpoints, and identification of short- and long-term negotiation goals.
Member only contentExploring careers in government
Are you a scientist curious about how your expertise can contribute to the greater good? Unlock the door to a world of possibilities as we discuss government careers in the sciences and explore the diverse opportunities available for scientists looking to make a meaningful impact on society.
Nuggets of wisdom for academic job applications: Interview day
Learn what to expect during an academic faculty job interview and how to prepare for it.
Member only contentGrant application budgets 101
An introductory-level webinar on preparing grant application budget proposals for federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health. Learn the nuts and bolts of grant budgets, strategies for putting together a budget proposal, and making a budget justification that matches the project's scope of work.
Member only contentHow to develop competitive academic portfolios
Discover the secrets that will help your grad school applications stand out from the competition.
Member only contentBeyond R&D: Exploring career paths in industry
Hear from professionals in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries about the diverse and rewarding careers available in scientific innovation, healthcare advancement and the development of lifesaving medications.
Member only contentNuggets of wisdom for academic job applicants
Practical tips from academics on the initial steps of the academic job application process, from navigating the job market, finding and deciphering job advertisements and preparing a competitive application for an assistant professor position.
Member only contentBeyond faculty: Exploring career paths in academia
Not sure if a research and teaching faculty position is right for you? This webinar explores careers in nonfaculty academic positions with insights from a panel of passionate individuals who support the research and educational activities at their institutions.
Member only contentCareer options for Ph.D.s: Opening the doors of opportunity
Learn about the wide world of work available to Ph.D.-trained scientists in this presentation of survey results that document the career choices of thousands of Ph.D.s.
Member only contentCreating an inclusive lab culture and onboarding new lab members
Bryan Dewsbury, associate director of the STEM Transformation Institute at Florida International University, features in a discussion about onboarding and creating inclusive, welcoming environments for research teams.
Member only contentBest practices for developing and implementing lab manuals
This webinar will help lab leaders zero in on their leadership style and explore the multifaceted nature of lab manuals.
Member only contentDebunking misinformation about your science
John Cook, founder of Skeptical Science website, discusses debunking strategies for misinformation that occurs within biochemistry and molecular biology topics.
Member only contentThe art of the interview: Ask great questions, give great answers and enjoy the process
The ASBMB's Laurel Oldach talks about how you can make the most of informational interviews that you conduct and how you can feel more relaxed and prepared when you’re the interviewee.
Member only contentNational Science Foundation: Molecular and cellular bioscience opportunities
An outreach webinar about NSF funding priorities and opportunities of interest to the ASBMB community.
Mentoring from both sides: How to find, be and utilize a great mentor
Learn practical tactics in identifying mentors, making the "ask" for mentoring support and how to take the best advantage of mentoring relationships — from both sides.
Member only contentFamily and work interactions
ASBMB members came together for a community conversation about parenting, when your spouse/partner is your colleague, long-distance relationships and adult caregiving.
Navigating career development and building resilience in times of unrest
This three-day virtual conference provided direct access to scientists in various roles and job sectors who shared their career journeys and advice for those who wish to pursue similar careers.
Collaboration 101: Developing partnerships between academia and industry
This session dispels misconceptions about how academia–industry interactions work and guides those interested in developing and maintaining productive partnerships.
Picture a Scientist
Sharon Shattuck, the director of a new feature-length documentary "Picture a Scientist," and members of the ASBMB Women in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Committee held a panel discussion about the issues covered in the film.
Shaping the Narrative: Effective science communication in the COVID-19 era
A panel discussion about how scientists can use their credibility and critical thinking to cut through the noise and guide the national COVID-19 dialogue.
Forecasting the future: Setting yourself up with trustworthy data
Are you sure that the data you’re collecting today is as solid and secure as you’ll need it to be next week, month or year?
Science in a Flash: How to give a successful flash talk
If you had just one figure, three minutes and a microphone to describe your research — could you do it?
Navigating life as a postdoc
Thriving as a postdoctoral researcher is a balancing act. Our panelists discuss their experiences as postdocs and lessons they learned along the way.
Small business research funding 101
NCI SBIR Program Director Kory Hallett presents funding opportunities and other commercialization resources for small businesses in biochemistry and molecular biology.
Procuring, administering and negotiating corporate funding for research
This webinar explores how scientists can obtain funding from corporations and other private entities to their support research.
Next-gen financial education
Covering fundamental skill sets for managing your personal finances.
Lab basics: Introduction to responsible conduct of research
Good research practices involve more than just following a protocol and keeping your notebook up to date. In this webinar, Dr. Suzanne Barbour discusses the ways we can conduct our research in a...
Systems biology research in DOE's Office of Biological and Enviromental Research
Learn about the resources available from the DOE for biochemists and molecular biologists.
Mentoring matters
Mentoring is important, but what does it mean to be a mentor? And how can you be a good mentee?
Opportunities and challenges in securing private funding for your research
This webinar explores how ASBMB members can obtain funding for basic research from private foundations, including disease-oriented and patient-focused philanthropic groups.
Image is everything: Preparing your figures for publication
In this webinar, Kaoru Sakabe, data integrity manager for ASBMB, discusses best practices in figure assembly.
Inside a faculty search committee
Have you ever wondered what takes place after your application for a tenure-track position has been sent in? In this webinar, panelists discussed what it’s like to be on both sides of the hiring...