Maximizing access through diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility
The "Changing the culture of science" symposium will amplify voices of underrepresented scientists. Speakers will share their personal narratives of being BMB scientists who have navigated barriers and transformed scientific culture through their contributions to science. A separate session will highlight BMB scientists’ innovative ideas and initiatives on mentorship, skills development, community-building and strategies for improving recruitment, retention and sense of belonging.

Carlos Lopez
Altos Labs Inc.

Teresita Padilla–Benavides
Wesleyan University
Sunday, April 13
Exploring personal and professional journeys in scientific research — How life influences science
- Imposter syndrome and being the “other” as a systems biologist
Carlos F. Lopez, Altos Labs Inc. - Hydroxyl radical protein footprinting for the structural characterization of proteins in their native cellular environment
Lisa Jones, Univeristy of California, San Diego - TBD
Julie A. Rhoades, Vanderbilt University - TBD
Blanton Tolbert, Case Western Reserve University
Monday, April 14
Exploring personal and professional journeys in scientific research — How science influences personal journeys
- A long, winding road to get where I am: How an undergraduate biochemistry course changed the course of my career path
Yasuhiro Kobayashi, Augusta University - The long and winding road that led me to my systems immunology laboratory
Sepideh Dolatshahi, University of Virginia - Cellular and molecular basis of active forgetting
Isaac Cervantes–Sandoval, Georgetown University - My career-long fascination with antiviral therapeutics
Craig E. Cameron, University of North Carolina
Tuesday, April 15
Fostering diversity and inclusion: Strategies for equity, accessibility and sustainable recruitment/retention in STEM
Roundtable discussion
- Leonard Harris, University of Arkansas
- Belinda Akpa, University of Illinois Chicago
- Teresita Padilla–Benavides, Wesleyan University
- Mary L. Garcia–Cazarin, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
Other sessions
These sessions and activities will also be of interest. See the full program schedule for details on these and the rest of the ASBMB Annual Meeting.
Featured speakers
- Persistence and serendipity in science: a poker analogy
Melissa J. Moore, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School - Novel GABA aminotransferase and ornithine aminotransferase inactivators as potential new treatments for epilepsy, pain and hepatocellular carcinoma
Richard Silverman, Northwestern University - An unlikely career in science and academia
Benjamin A. Garcia, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis - Bridging the gender gap: Advancing sex and gender inclusion in biomedical research
Nicole C. Woitowich, Northwestern University
- Industry scientists and industry interest
- Women in BMB
Interest group sessions
- Advocacy town hall
- Empowering neurodiverse learners: Adapting upper level undergraduate curriculum for inclusive excellence
- Digital storytelling: Science communication for the digital world
Poster sessions
- ASBMB welcome address
- Career and education fair
- Emerging investigator seminar
- Undergraduate poster competition