Make your next breakthrough possible
The annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology showcases the latest, most impactful research findings in the molecular life sciences. Our exciting agenda includes talks by the field's foremost experts and highlights cutting-edge advances that are transforming how we make discoveries. We encourage scientists of all career stages and areas of specialty to join us and present their work.
We are particularly excited about the breadth and integration of topics covered at this meeting. Creativity and innovation emerge from intersections — of perspectives, approaches and experiences. This makes the annual meeting fertile ground for transformative ideas and new collaborations.
The thematic symposia explore the many molecules and processes that make life possible. This year we are pleased to feature sessions on new, empowering tools in chemical, structural, and synthetic biology; on rapidly developing areas in metabolism, molecular transport and pseudoenzyme function; and on new directions in cancer biology, RNA and the metals of life.
In addition to the symposia, there will be keynote lectures, interest group sessions, workshops, networking, career-development activities, and exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities for industry partners.
Exciting things happen when great minds come together. Join us in Chicago and immerse yourself in new and exciting opportunities for scientific exchange, collaboration and inspiration. Save the date — April 12–15 — and sign up for email updates to receive more information as it becomes available.

Donita Brady, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
Dave Pagliarini, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
ASBMB Annual Meeting 2025 co-chairs