Host–pathogen interactions
The interplay between pathogens and their hosts is a critical determinant of infectious disease. Acting at these interfaces is a highly orchestrated, complex series of molecular and biochemical interactions. In this theme, we will examine the chemical crosstalk between pathogens, microbiota and immune cells that enable host colonization, the macromolecular machines pathogens use to interact with host cells, how they modulate host cellular processes to establish infection, and how they transition from one site of infection to another.

Tamara O'Connor
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Sunday, April 13
- Control of host lipids, a critical determinant of infection outcomes
- Tamara O'Connor, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- A multilayered assault: Toxoplasma usurps host ESCRT and membrane contact site components
Isabelle Coppens, Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health - Mobilization of host cell structures by microbial pathogens
Matthew Welch, Univeristy of California, Berkeley - Vibrio pathogenesis: Invasion, proliferation and escape
Kim Orth, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center - Gut dysbiosis: ecological causes and causative effects on human disease
Andreas Baumler, Univeristy of California, Davis
Other sessions
These sessions and activities will also be of interest. See the full program schedule for details on these and the rest of the ASBMB Annual Meeting.
Featured speakers
- Persistence and serendipity in science: a poker analogy
Melissa J. Moore, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School - Novel GABA aminotransferase and ornithine aminotransferase inactivators as potential new treatments for epilepsy, pain and hepatocellular carcinoma
Richard Silverman, Northwestern University - Expanding the kinome
Vincent Tagliabracci, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center - Molecular insights into antimalarial drug resistance
David A. Fidock, Columbia University
- Glycobiology and extracellular matrices
- Microbiology
- Immunology
- Industry scientists and industry interest
Interest group sessions
- Biochemistry and climate change: Molecular responses and innovations
- Immune therapeutics for health and disease
Poster sessions
- Glycobiology and extracellular matrices
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- ASBMB welcome address
- Career and education fair
- Emerging investigator seminar
- Undergraduate poster competition