Abstract submission instructions
Attention high school SMART Teams — Please contact your SMART Teams coordinator at 3D Molecular Designs for information on abstract submission and program rules.
Before you start
- Read these instructions first; you may want to open them in a separate window or print them for reference as you submit.
- The primary author (presenting author) should be the abstract submitter. The primary author (presenting author) will be the first author listed on the abstract. The primary author cannot be changed.
- You may be the primary author of more than one volunteered scientific abstract provided that each submission represents distinct research. Only the primary author may present the abstract. Please review the author agreement before submission.
- Prepare your abstract in a Microsoft Word or plain text document.
- Have the name, institution, email and country information ready for all co-authors.
- Have your credit card information ready to pay the nonrefundable submission fee ($75 for members, $125 for nonmembers); your card will be charged immediately. The fee will not be refunded for withdrawn submissions and cannot be transferred.
- The option to submit a travel award application will be presented during the abstract submission process and is based on eligibility.
- The following browsers are recommended: Edge, Safari, Chrome or Firefox.
- After logging in to the submission site, you will land on the “Abstract Submission Home”. On this home page, you will be able to submit new abstracts, view all your submissions and edit submissions (deadlines apply).
- In order to successfully submit your abstract, you must complete all the following steps:
- Your profile
- Abstract form
- Proofread your submission
- Author agreement
- Submit payment
- You also have the option to save your submission and return to the home page later to complete it by using the “EDIT” button (deadlines apply).
- Upon successful submission of your abstract and payment, you will receive a confirmation email from asbmbabstracts@expotracker.net. Your submitted abstract will be listed on the abstract submission home page and the status will change from “incomplete” to “successfully submitted”.
- Abstract submission fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
- Add asbmbsupport@expotracker.net and meetings@asbmb.org to your address book to receive communication.
Submitting an abstract
1. Complete your profile
- The primary author (presenting author) must log in to the site to submit the abstract. The primary author cannot be changed. If you are not the primary author (presenting author) do not complete the submission form.
- In the “Your profession/role” section please select the option that best applies to your current role. Once you choose your profession/role, it cannot be changed.
- Complete all required fields on the profile page and select “SAVE AND PROCEED TO ABSTRACT SUBMISSION” to continue.
2. Complete the abstract step
- Co-authors — add the email address, first name, last name, institution and country of all co-authors. Entry of middle initial is optional. Up to eight co-authors may be added. Do not add the primary author in the co-author section; the primary author is already listed based on the profile page entry.
- Abstract title — abstract title should be 300 characters or less, excluding spaces.
- Abstract body — abstract body should be a minimum of 800 characters and maximum of 3,000 characters, excluding spaces. Enter or cut-and-paste the body of your abstract from a Word or plain text document into the form. Be sure to double check the appearance of any special characters/symbols you have used in your abstract. You will also have an opportunity to proofread the complete abstract in the proofread step before submitting the final version. The abstract should include:
- A sentence stating the study objective (unless given in the title).
- A statement of methods (see scientific integrity policy).
- A summary of the results.
- A statement of the conclusions. Stating "the results will be discussed" is not sufficient.
- Tables/figures are not permitted.
- Do not repeat the abstract title in this section.
- Support for funding — if applicable, include a short sentence acknowledging the organizations/grants that funded the research.
- Presentation format
- All abstracts will be considered for poster presentation. You will be asked to select the poster topic category most relevant to your area of research.
- A limited number of oral presentation opportunities (spotlight talks and lightning talks) are available in symposia sessions. If you would like your abstract to be considered for an oral presentation, select "YES" and then select the thematic symposium that is most relevant to your area of research. Selected abstracts will be integrated into the relevant thematic symposium. Assignment as spotlight talk or lightning talk is at the sole discretion of ASBMB. Those selected as a lightning talk must also present a poster.
- Keywords — use a separate field for each keyword. You must enter a minimum of three keywords and a maximum of five.
- A limited number of short talk opportunities are available to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at the emerging investigator seminar on Saturday, April 12. If you would like your abstract to be considered, please select “YES” and complete the additional questions.
- Complete all required fields and select “SAVE AND PROCEED TO PROOFREAD” to continue.
3. Complete the proofread step
- Carefully review all information. Selected abstracts will not be edited.
- To edit your submission, select the “PREVIOUS PAGE” button to modify previously entered information or select the “SAVE AND RETURN TO HOME” button and then select the “EDIT” button to modify.
- Upon completion of the proofreading step, select “SAVE AND PROCEED TO AUTHOR AGREEMENT” to continue.
4. Complete the author agreement step
- Read and agree to all sections of the author agreement and select “SAVE AND PROCEED TO PAYMENT” to pay the abstract submission fee and finalize the submission.
5. Complete the payment step
- Payment is required for submission.
- Incomplete abstract submissions and abstracts without the required payment will not be considered.
- Upon successful completion of abstract submission and payment, you will receive an email from asbmbsupport@expotracker.net confirming submission.
Withdrawing an abstract
To withdraw an abstract, go to the abstract submission home page and select the “WITHDRAW” button. If you have a travel award application linked to the abstract, by withdrawing the abstract, your travel award application will automatically be withdrawn as well. Abstract fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable, please refer to the abstract withdrawal policy.