
Member spotlight: Corina Maeder

Corina Maeder is an associate professor and the chair of the chemistry department at Trinity University.

What is your research focus?

“My work focuses on the mechanisms in pre-messenger RNA splicing — specifically, how critical protein–RNA interactions modulate the spliceosome assembly cycle.”

What is the broader impact of your work?

“Pre-mRNA splicing touches every cellular process. It’s also linked to a number of human diseases, including the eye disorder retinitis pigmentosa, a focus of our work.

My work extends broader than my science, though. As faculty at a primarily undergraduate institution, I have the distinct opportunity to help shape future scientists and doctors.”

How has being a member of the ASBMB helped you along the way?

“Being an ASBMB member introduced me to a wonderful community of scientists and BMB educators. Getting to know some amazing scientists and educators across the country has been priceless.”

What are you watching/reading outside the lab/work?

“My family loves dystopian and horror movies. We loved the show “Silo.” I’ll also admit to the guilty pleasure of rom-coms.”

What music or podcasts have you been enjoying lately?

“I love music! I get introduced to new music every year by students. Some stay in my playlists… others not so much.”

Who are your heroes/heroines?

“I don’t have just one. I look around me and see amazing people that shine lights on others just for the sake of it. Those are my heroes.”

What have you learned from your work that applies to the rest of your life?

“Every day I get to see my students’ joy in their scientific discoveries. It’s so easy to forget that excitement, but their constant excitement for new experiences is one of my driving forces. It reminds me to keep it fun.”

Member spotlight: Corina Maeder image

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