CRANE, Brian
Professor, Cornell University, Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Statement of interest
I have been an active member of the ASBMB for most of my scientific career and have served on the Publications Committee since 2017. With that term ending, I wish to continue to serve the society and hence am applying to an open position on the Council. In addition to the general goal of promoting cutting-edge research and the exchange of information that makes it possible, I have strong interests in scientific education and the engagement of persons historically excluded because of their ethnicity or race.
Education and training
- B.Sc., University of Manitoba, Canada (1990)
- Ph.D., The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA (1996)
Awards and honors
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute professor (2014)
- Guggenheim fellow (2013)
- Fellow, American Association of Arts and Sciences (2012)
- Cornell University Provost Award for Research and Scholarship (2010)
- Alfred P. Sloan Fellow (2005–2007)
- NSF CAREER Award (2002–2006)
- Searle Scholar (2002–2005)
- Research Innovation Award — Research Corporation (2002–2003)
- Helen Hay Whitney Postdoctoral Fellowship (1997–2000)
- Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award (2000–2004)
- Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology Research Fellowship (1995–1997)
- NSERC1967 Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (1990–1994)
- Governor General Silver Medal & University Gold Medal, University of Manitoba (1990)
I have held positions of academic leadership and have worked to advance science education, serving as the chair of my department for the past five years, associate chair for the three preceding years, the previous director of graduate studies and as a co-PI and executive committee member for several National Institutes of Health training grants.
I participate as a co-investigator on two NIH-funded centers at Cornell — MacCHESS (synchrotron) and ACERT (ESR spectroscopy) — and serve as Cornell’s representative on the NE-CAT (synchrotron) advisory board.
I have vice-chaired and chaired two different Gordon Research Conferences and have co-organized several other scientific meetings.
Since 2017 I have been a member of the ASBMB Publications Committee.
As a Howard Hughes Medical Institute professor, I created the CHAMPS program, which aims to increase participation of underserved undergraduate students in biomedical research through both education and research engagement.
As chair, I strive to bring best practices in mentoring and education to my department through invited speakers and organized workshops. Currently, we are engaging faculty, students and staff in efforts to formulate a statement of values for behavior surrounding inclusion and freedom of expression.