CoA and CoA-derivatives: From biochemistry and molecular biology to human diseases across lifespan
Aug. 16–18, 2023
Discovery Building, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Investigators engaged in the breadth of CoA research are seldom gathered at a single conference, creating a delay in exchanging ideas that cross boundaries between sub-areas of research. This conference will provide a forum where academic and industrial investigators from heterogeneous fields can exchange ideas and challenge the framework of our current understanding of the role of CoA and its derivatives in all aspects of health, disease and bioscience.
Particular emphasis will be placed on recent breakthroughs in understanding biochemical aspects of CoA and Acetyl-CoA metabolism related to intracellular cross-talk, proteostasis and autophagy, as well as technological advances in mass spectrometry that allow fine assessment of specific metabolites and protein modifications.
Particular emphasis will be placed on recent breakthroughs in understanding biochemical aspects of CoA and Acetyl-CoA metabolism related to intracellular cross-talk, proteostasis and autophagy, as well as technological advances in mass spectrometry that allow fine assessment of specific metabolites and protein modifications.
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Program schedule
Wednesday August 16
Thursday August 17
Friday August 18
Wednesday agenda
Badge pickup
Welcome and opening remarks by organizers
Session 1: Breakthrough in CoA translation
A chemical toolkit for manipulation of intracellular CoA concentration
Charles Rock, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Acetyl-CoA drives acquired resistance to histone acetyltransferase inhibition
Michael Erb, Scripps Research Institute
Nε-lysine acetylation and proteostasis within the endoplasmic reticulum
Luigi Puglielli, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Session 2: Metabolism I
Acetyl–CoA metabolism in the interplay between epidermal and systemic lipid homeostasis
Kathryn Wellen, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
Acetyl CoA–generating pathways for myelination of the peripheral nervous system
John Svaren, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Structure, inhibition and regulatory function of fungal pantothenate kinases
Choukri Ben Mamoun, Yale University School of Medicine
A metabolic enzyme in the nucleus: the role of acetyl–CoA synthetase
Saikat Bhattacharya, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Thursday agenda
Session 3: Metabolism II
How acyl–CoA metabolism influences protein acylation
John Denu, University of Wisconsin–Madison
The antioxidant function of coenzyme A and protein CoAlation in health and disease
Ivan Gout, University College London
Heme biosynthesis regulates metabolic homeostasis in brown adipose tissue
Andrea Galmozzi, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Dolphins & mitochondrial acetyl–CoA
Michael Wolfgang, Johns Hopkins University
CoA biosynthesis and utilization as an antimalarial drug target
Kevin Saliba, Australian National University
Pask links cellular energy metabolism with a mitotic self-renewal network to establish differentiation competence
Chintan Kikani, University of Kentucky
Overexpression of the citrate transporters SLC13A5 and SLC25A1 leads to different phenotypes in the mouse
Gonzalo Fernandez–Fuente, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Lunch & poster session
Odd numbers present: 12:45–1:45 p.m.
Even numbers present: 1:45–2:45 p.m.
Even numbers present: 1:45–2:45 p.m.
Session 4: CoA regulation: Synthesis, degradation and disease
Investigation of CoA synthesis and functions reveals several Achilles heels in the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii
Joachim Kloehn, University of Geneva
Preclinical pantothenamide MMV693183 targets acetyl–CoA synthetas
Laura de Vries, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health
Linking peroxisomal acyl–CoA degradation to organ function
Roberta Leonardi, West Virginia University
From fruit flies to PKAN patients within six years
Hein Schepers, University Medical Center Groningen
Discovery of novel protein modifications that are driven by reactive acyl–CoA metabolites from the branched-chain amino acid metabolis
Y. George Zheng, University of Georgia
Vitamin B5, a Coenzyme A precursor, as a potential therapeutic for TANGO2 deficiency disease
Michael Sacher, Concordia University
Effects of oral 4’PPT treatment on brain metabolism and Coasy expression in a murine PKAN model
Suh Young Jeong, Oregon Health & Science University
Friday agenda
Session 5: Novel technologies to study CoA and CoA-derivatives
Probing coenzyme A homeostasis with semisynthetic biosensors
Lin Xue, University of Science and Technology of China
Protein–metabolite interactomics reveals regulation of enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism by long-chain acyl–coenzyme A
Kevin Hicks, University of Utah
Nucleosome conformation dictates the histone code
Michael-Christopher Keogh, EpiCypher Inc.
Structural and mechanistic basis of long chain fatty acyl CoA utilization by integral membrane palmitoyltransferases
Anirban Banerjee, National Institutes of Health
A fluorescent biosensor for acetyl–CoA
Katharine Diehl, University of Utah