
ASBMB Undergraduate Research Award

The application has closed.

Note: For students to be eligible for the Honor Society, Outstanding Chapter Award or Undergraduate Research Award, their ASBMB membership must be activated. This is a required step before applying. Check your email for the activation link. For questions regarding activation, please contact

This $1,200 award supports undergraduate Student Chapter members’ summer research projects.


  • Applicant must be a current ASBMB Student Chapter member.
  • Applicant must conduct the proposed research project in the lab of an ASBMB member.
  • Only one application may be submitted per lab. Note: Multiple applications from the same school may be submitted for consideration. However, the review committee strives to fund awards across as many institutions as possible. Therefore, it is unlikely that multiple applications from the same school will be awarded funding.
  • Award money will be sent to the research adviser to be deposited in an institutional account.
  • Any unused funds must be returned to the ASBMB.

How to apply

Apply online using the link above. As of 2024, the recommendation form is included in the application.

Reporting requirements

At the end of the research period, each award recipient is required to submit an Undergraduate Research Award report. The Undergraduate Research Award Report can be downloaded here.

Read about past award winners


Conference inspires a shift in undergrad’s career goals

Anna Crysler, a recent Albion College graduate, won an ASBMB award for work that continued from her poster presentation at EB 2021.


Chapter member aims for the moon, lands on astrobiology

“Being able to see a visual effect from something so tiny, realizing there’s so much we don’t see or understand yet and so much for us to learn, that’s what excited me.”


What did you do last summer?

Undergraduate Research Award recipients describe their research.


Undergraduate research award winners reflect on their work

Student chapter members who received the 2018 Undergraduate Research Award describe their summer research projects. Topics include discovering key residues in Dib1, an essential splicing protein,...