Science outreach and communication
The ASBMB organizes science communication and outreach activities and develops tools, resources and opportunities for members to improve their science communication and public engagement skills. These efforts are spearheaded by the Science Outreach and Communication Committee.
Share your science outreach initiative!
Are you doing science outreach in your community? Are you running your own science café or creating a program that you know will make an impact and want to share it? We want to know about it!
Sensational SciFest
In an interview with Adriana Norris, Parmvir Bahia talks about her career in science outreach and the challenges and successes of a recent project designed to put the needs of sensory sensitive kids first.
Get involved
The Art of Science Communication
An online course that provides fundamental training in science communication.
Science Outreach and Communication Grant
A memberwide grant to encourage new or existing science outreach and communication activities.
Student Chapter Outreach Grant
Funding for outreach activities in addition to exclusive access to expertise and resources from the Science Outreach and Communication Committee.
ASBMB Science Fair Award
Recognizes outstanding achievement in biochemistry and molecular biology research by a middle or high school science student
Science in a Flash
Learn about the ASBMB's flash talk competition and find resources to help organize your own event.
Science outreach spotlights
Adriana Norris interviews members about their science outreach and communication projects.
This Black History Month, we highlight the impact of DEI initiatives, trailblazing scientists and industry leaders working to create a more inclusive and scientific community. Discover how you can be part of the movement.
Scientists use jargon and complicated language to describe their work. Regular folks ‘get it’ more when descriptions are simpler – and think better of the researchers themselves.
Sometimes a picture is worth a lot of words.
Why now, more than ever, scientists must be able to explain what they do to non-scientists.
Susanna Greer, a 2022 ASBMB fellow, describes her journey to engaging deeply with, and caring about, the society.
Seattle-area high school students will be the Science Outreach and Communication Committee’s guests of honor on Community Day at Discover BMB.
Caught in a system eager for success stories, a PhD student from an underrepresented background learns how to balance his challenges in the lab with his desire to serve his community.
An interview with Dan Barry, director of local and state advocacy for AAAS, about the Local Science Engagement Network — and how you can get involved

Debunking misinformation about your science
John Cook, founder of Skeptical Science website, discusses debunking strategies for misinformation that occurs within biochemistry and molecular biology topics. More

Science in a Flash: How to give a successful flash talk
If you had just one figure, three minutes and a microphone to describe your research — could you do it? More